Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Parameter Tables
Alarms Parameters
SNMP Table Host Table Parameters
When creating table entries, you may either specifying the argument name followed by argument value. CLI applies
default values to the omitted arguments. Due to the nature of the information, the only argument that can be omitted is
the “comment” argument.
Port Number Octet String User Defined
(there are also 4
pre-defined protocols:
Index 1: NetBios Name
Service - 137, Index 2:
NetBios Datagram
Service - 138, Index 3:
NetBios Session Service
- 139, Index 4: SNMP
Service - 161)
RW portnum
Protocol Name DisplayString User Defined
(there are also 4
pre-defined protocols,
see Port Number above)
RW protoname
Interface Bitmask Integer32 0 or 2 = No interfaces
1 or 3 = Ethernet
4 or 6 = Wireless A
8 or 10 = Wireless B
12 = Wireless A & B
13 or 15 = All interfaces
(default is 15)
RW ifbitmask
Status (optional) Integer enable (default for new
disable (default for
pre-defined entries)
RW status
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
SNMP Trap Host Table Table N/A R snmptraphosttbl
Table Index Integer User Defined N/A index
IP Address IpAddress User Defined RW ipaddr
Password DisplayString User Defined (up to 64
W passwd
Comment (optional) DisplayString User Defined (up to 254
RW cmt
Status (optional) Integer enable (default)
RW status
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter