Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Other Network Settings
Configure Wireless Distribution System
Create/Enable WDS
[Device-Name]>set wdstbl <Index> partnermacaddr <MAC Address> status enable
Enable/Disable WDS
[Device-Name]>set wdstbl <Index> status <enable/disable>
NOTE: <Index> is 3.1–3.6 (Wireless A) or 4.1–4.6 (Wireless B). To determine the index, type show wdstbl at the
NOTE: When WDS is enabled, spanning tree protocol is automatically enabled. It may be manually disabled. If Spanning
Tree protocol is enabled by WDS and WDS is subsequently disabled, Spanning tree will remain enabled until it is
manually disabled. See Spanning Tree Parameters.
Configure MAC Access Control
Setup MAC (Address) Access Control
[Device-Name]>set wifssidtbl <index> aclstatus enable/disable
[Device-Name]>set macacloptype <passthru, block>
[Device-Name]>reboot 0
Add an Entry to the MAC Access Control Table
[Device-Name]>set macacltbl 0 macaddr <MAC Address> status enable
[Device-Name]>show macacltbl
Disable or Delete an Entry in the MAC Access Control Table
[Device-Name]>set macacltbl <index> status <disable/delete>
[Device-Name]>show macacltbl
NOTE: For larger networks that include multiple Access Points, you may prefer to maintain this list on a centralized
location using the RADIUS parameters (see Set RADIUS Parameters).
Set RADIUS Parameters
Configure RADIUS Authentication servers
Perform the following command to configure a RADIUS Server and assign it to a VLAN. The RADIUS Server Profile
index is specified by the index parameter and the subindex parameter specifies whether you are configuring a primary or
secondary RADIUS server.
[Device-Name]>set radiustbl <Index> profname <Profile Name> seraddrfmt <1 - IP Address 2
- Name> sernameorip <IP Address or Name> port <value> ssecret <value> responsetm <value>
maxretx <value> acctupdtintrvl <value> macaddrfmt <value> authlifetm <value>
radaccinactivetmr <value> vlanid <vlan id -1 to 4094> status enable
NOTE: To create a new RADIUS profile, use 0 for <Index>.
Examples of Configuring Primary and Secondary RADIUS Servers and Displaying the RADIUS Configuration
Primary server configuration:
[Device-Name]>set radiustbl 1.1 profname "MAC Authentication" seraddrfmt 1 sernameorip port 1812 ssecret public responsetm 3 maxretx 3 acctupdtintrvl 0 macaddrfmt 1
authlifetm 900 radaccinactivetmr 5 vlanid 22 status enable
Secondary server configuration: