Advanced Configuration AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
— For 64-bit encryption, an encryption key is 10 hexadecimal characters (0-9 and A-F) or 5 ASCII characters
(see ASCII Character Chart).
— For 128-bit encryption, an encryption key is 26 hexadecimal characters or 13 ASCII characters.
— For 152-bit encryption, an encryption key is 32 hexadecimal characters or 16 ASCII characters.
• Encryption Transmit Key: select Key 0, Key 1, Key 2, or Key 3
NOTE: When VLAN tagging is enabled, only Key 0 can be configured.
• 802.1x Station:
• Authentication Mode: 802.1x
• Cipher: WEP
• Encryption Key Length: 64 or 128 Bits.
— If 802.1x is enabled simultaneously with WEP, the 802.1x Station’s encryption key length is determined by
the WEP encryption key.
• WPA Station:
• Authentication Mode: 802.1x
• Cipher: TKIP
• WPA-PSK Station:
• Authentication Mode: PSK
• Cipher: TKIP
• PSK Passphrase: an 8-63 character user-defined phrase. It is recommended a passphrase of at least 13
characters, including both letters and numbers, and upper and lower case characters, be used to ensure that
the generated key cannot be easily deciphered by network infiltrators.
• 802.11i Station:
• Authentication Mode: 802.1x
• Cipher: CCMP based on AES
• 802.11i-PSK Station:
• Authentication Mode: PSK
• Cipher: CCMP based on AES
• PSK Passphrase: an 8-63 character user-defined phrase. It is recommended a passphrase of at least 13
characters, including both letters and numbers, and upper and lower case characters, to ensure that the
generated key cannot be easily deciphered by network infiltrators.
5. When finished configuring all parameters, click OK.
6. If you selected a Security Mode of 802.1x Station, WPA Station, or 802.11i Station, you must configure a RADIUS
802.1x/EAP server. See the Configuring Radius Profiles section.
Security Profile 1 will be used by default for all wireless interfaces.
7. Reboot the AP.