USB interface (SC-DC173(U)/DC175/DC575 only)
On a slower PC than recommended, movie playback may not be smooth or video editing may take a long time.
On a slower PC than recommended, movie playback may skip frames oroperate unexpectedly.
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in M.Cam Mode or M.Player Mode, be sure that the Memory Card is inserted into the DVD Camcorder before connecting
USB cable. If no Memory Cardor an unformatted Memory Card is inserted, the PCwill not recognize your DVD Camcorder
as a removable disk.
. USB Streaming requires Video Codec, DV Driver and DirectX g.o.
. Ifyou disconnect the USB cable from the PC or the DVD Camcorder duringthe datatransfer, the data transfer wilt stop and
the data maybe damaged.
. if you connect the USB cable to a PCusing a USB HUB or with other devices atthe same time, it may cause conflict and
may not work properly. If this occurs, remove atlother USB devices and try the connection again.