DVD Camcorder: Basic Recording
1. Connecta power sourceto the DVDCamcorder. '-pages 2% 25
= (A Battery Packor aAC Power adapter)
= Insert a disc. ",page 41
2. Remove the Lens Cover.
3. Open the LCD Screen
= Set the [Mode] switch to [DISC]. (SC-DC173(U)/DC175/DC575 only)
= Set the [Power] switch to [_ (Camera)].
Make sure that <STBY> is displayed.
= Make sure the image you want to record appears on the LCD Screen or
Viewfinder. _,_
= Makesure theBatteryLevelindicatesthat thereis enough
4. Tostart recording_press the [Record Start/Stop] button.
= <RECe> is displayed on the LCD Screen.
The record mode, recording time_the disc type_the ...................................................................
format mode, and the title scene number are displayed on the LCD Screen.
5. Tostop recording, press the [Record Start/Stop] button again.
• <STBY> is displayed on the LCD screen after blinking.
= If you press the [Record Start/Stop] button to record again, a new title scene will be
created. The title scene number will not appear inthe STBY mode but in the REC mode.
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This DVD Camcorder has two [Record Start/Stop] buttons. One onthe rear andthe other on
the LCD screen's frame.
Use either button for convenient recording.
= Playing title scenes. ",page 64
• Upto 253 title scenes can be created on DVD-R/+RW/+R DL/-RW(Video Mode)discs, and up to 999 on DVD-RW(VR Mode).
= Detach the Battery Pack when you have finished recording to prevent unnecessary battery power consumption.
= Ifthe powercable/batteriesare disconnected,or recordingis disabledduring recording,anerror messagewitlappearand the
systemis switchedtothe datarecoverymode.
Whiledata isbeing recovered,nootherfunction isenabled Afterdatarecovery,the systemwilt beswitchedto the STBYmode.