DVD Camcorder: Before Recording
+ You can view pictures through the viewfinder to avoid running down the battery, or to see correct images when the picture
onthe LCD Screen is poor.
*:* Inthe [11_ (Camera)] or [[_E](Player}] mode, the Viewfinder will work when the LCD Screen is closed.
AcFustin the Focus
The focus adjustment knob of the Viewfinder enables individuals withvision problems to see
clearer images.
1. Close the LCD Screen.
2. Use the FocusAdjustment Knob of the Viewfinder to focus the picture.
Do notlift the DVD Camcorder by the viewfinder or LCD screen as it may cause you to drop it.
Viewingthesunor anystronglightsourcethroughtheViewfinderfora prolongedperiod maybeharmful,or causetemporaryimpairment.
*:* The LCD ENHANCER function works in Camera Mode/Player Mode/M.Cam Mode/M.Player Mode. '=,page26
*:o Contrast is enhanced for a clear and bright image. This effect is also implemented outdoors in brightdaylight.
1. Set the [Mode] switch to [DISC] or [CARD].
(SC-DC173(U)/DC175/DC575 only)
2. Set the [Power] switch to [1_ (Camera}] or [[)_(Player)].
3. Press the [LCD ENHANCER] button.
= LCD ENHANCER icon ([_) is displayed.
4. Toexit LCD ENHANCER, press the [LCD ENHANCER]
button again.
LCD ENHANCER function does not affect the quality of the image being recorded.
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