
Miscellaneous information
Disc Type DVD-R (3 i/2 ") DVD+R OL (3 I/2 ") DVD+RW (3 I/2 ")
Mode _ - _ - VR (Video Recording) Video _ -
Capacity 1.4G 2.EG 1.4G 1.4G 1.4G
Forma_ing a new disc : _page 42 Auto Auto O ::: O •
Recording '_page 44 O O O O O
Rewrite X X O O O
Playback on other DVD Players _ O O X O O '
(FinaEize_) '_page 80
Playback on other DVD Recorders _ '=page 81 O O O O O °
Additional recording after finalization (Unfinalize) X X O O - "[
_page 82
Editing _page 72 X X O X X
Reusing a disc by formatting (Format) _page 79 X X O O O
= O: possible / X: notpossible / -: not needed
d) Youmust format a new disc before recording on it.
(z; When loading a DVD-RW disc you must format itin Video or VR mode.
G) When loading a DVD+RW disc you must format it.
(,0 We cannot guarantee that you will be able to play back in all other manufacturer's DVD Camcorders, DVD Players/
Recorders, or PC's. For compatibility information, please refer to the manual of the device you wish to play back on.
G) Discs must befinalized before it can be played on standard DVD Players/Recorders.
Refer to page 11for Finalized disc compatibility.
C; You canplay back DVD+RW discs on DVD Players/Recorders without finalizing them.
DVD+RW discs do not need to be Finalized/Unfinatized.
(7; When formatting a recorded disc, the data recorded on the disc is deleted and disc capacity is restored, enabling you to
re-use the disc.