*:o The operating modes are determined bythe position of the [Power] and [Mode] (SC-DC173(U)/DC175/DC575only) switch.
°:- Setthe Operation Mode by adjusting the [Power] and [Mode] (SC-DC173(U)/DC175/DC575 only) switches before
operating any functions.
°:o Each time you movethe [Power] switch downward, ittoggles between [l_[Camera)] and [_(Player)] mode.
Mode Name <Camera Mode> <Player Mode> <M.Cam Mode> <M.Player Mode>
[Power] Switch
[Mode] Switch _ _ _ _ _ _ _
DC575 only) _ _lm _
=The <M.Cam Mode> and the <M.Player Mode> are only avaiMble on SC-DC173(U)/DO175/DO575
=M.Cam Mode :Memory Camera Mode / M.Player Mode : Memory Player Mode
°:o The Joystick is used to make a selection and to move the cursor left,
right, upand down. Using the Joystick, you can easily make your
selection and navigate the menu.
1. Move to a previous menu item/Adjust the selected item (to the left).
2. Move to a sub menu item/Adjust the selected item (to the right).
3. Move to a lower menu item.
4. Move to an upper menu item.
5. Press to select the chosen item (OK).