System & Station
Program *71~*73 – [DN] to [DN], Tie to [DN], and DID to [DN] Ringing Assignments
3-158 Strata DK Programming 5/00
Important! In the EK Telephone Ports column, enter the Program 04 telephone ports of the
telephones that should ring when the [DN] is called from another [DN] or a Tie or
DID line (maximum of 120 telephones can be assigned to ring). The [DN] button
must be assigned (Program 39) to the telephone that should ring.
First Telephone Group
Buttons 01~20 on the programming telephone are associated with the telephone groups displayed
on the telephone LCD.
GRP EK000 = Telephone Port 000 is represented by programming button 01...
GRP EK001 = Telephone Port 001 is represented by programming button 02...
GRP EK019 = Telephone Port 019 is represented by programming button 20.
Second Telephone Group
In telephone group “GRP 020~039”, the relationship is as shown below:
GRP EK020 = Telephone Port 020 is represented by programming button 01...
GRP EK021 = Telephone Port 021 is represented by programming button 02...
GRP EK039 = Telephone Port 039 is represented by programming button 20.
Program *71, *72, *73 Overview
Primary/Phantom Directory Number and Telephone Ringing assignments:
♦ This program assigns telephones to ring when a [PDN] or [PhDN] that appears on the
telephone is dialed from another telephone (direct or transferred call). The [PDN] may appear
as an [SDN] on other telephones that should ring.
♦ This program assigns telephones to ring when a call is routed from a Tie, DID, DNIS, DNIS/
ANI or ANI only line to a [PDN] or [PhDN] that appears on the telephone. The [PDN] may
appear as an [SDN] on other telephones that should ring.
♦ Calls that Call Fwd, Hunt, or are transferred to a [PDN] or [PhDN] will ring on telephones per
Program *71, *72, and *73 ringing assignments. The [PDN] or [PhDN] must appear on a
flexible button (as a [PDN], [SDN], or [PhDN]) of telephones that should ring.
Important! 120 Telephones (maximum) can be programmed to ring for any given [PDN],
[SDN] or [PhDN] in Program *71, *72, and *73 combined.
For the above case:
♦ Telephones can be programmed to immediately Ring (*71 assignments), delay ring after 12
seconds (*72 assignments), or delay ring after 24 seconds (*73 assignments) for each [PDN]
or [PhDN] button that appears on the telephone.
♦ The called [PDN], [SDN], or [PhDN] button must be programmed to appear (Program 39) on
all Telephones that should ring.