System & Station
Program 17 – DID/Tie Line Options
Strata DK Programming 5/00 3-55
System & Station
LED 03: DID Camp-on/Busy
Turn LED 03 On if DID line callers should hear ringback tone and camp on to busy stations when
calling busy stations. Turn LED 03 Off if the DID callers should hear busy tone when calling busy
stations. Analog Tie lines will not camp-on to busy stations.
It is recommended to turn LED 03 On for all DID lines. To provide Camp-on-busy over RDTU Tie
line calls, configure Tie lines as DID lines in Program 41-2; LED 03 must be on for the lines in
Program 17. This is allowed because Tie and DID signalling is the same for Tie and DID T1 lines.
Also, both Tie and DID lines that route per Program 71 DNIS assignments will camp on busy if
LED 03 is turned On. Tie lines that route per Program 04 will not camp on busy.
LED 03/04 applies to REMU, PEMU, TDDU, RDDU and RDTU DIDs and Tie lines.
LED 02: Wink/Immediate
Applies to REMU, TDDU, PEMU, and RDDU Tie/DID lines only. Select Wink Start or
Immediate Start for the entered Tie or DID line. See Program 41-2 for RDTU Tie/DID Wink/
Immediate Start assignments or RDTU T1 Tie lines configured as DID lines in Program 42-1.
LED 01: Page/Handsfree Answerback
Allows (LED 01 On) or denies (LED 01 Off) the following features when connecting the Strata
DK to another Key/PBX. LED 01 applies to both Tie and DID lines when programmed with
Program 71 assignments.
If using a private network, then turn LED 01 On to allow Page access on Tie and DID lines
programmed with DNIS assignments in Program 71 (Code #039).
Per FCC regulations, public telephone network, Tie, DID, or DNIS lines must always be restricted
(LED 01 Off) from Page and Handsfree Answerback.
♦ Callers on the far-end Key/PBX system can access the Strata DK system external and/or
Station All Call Page over DID and/or Tie lines programmed with DNIS assignment (Program
10-2, LED 15 and Program 71-1, Code #039) for DID/Tie DNIS assignments. Tie lines only
that route per Program 04 can dial any Page Zone or Page Group access code.
♦ Callers on the far-end Key/PBX system can make voice announce calls to stations on the near-
end Strata DK. This option applies only Tie lines (not DID lines) that route per Program 04 or
Program 71. You must program the Strata DK as “Voice First” in Program 10-1, LED 01; or,
the far end can dial “1” after dialing the [DN] on tone first systems.
♦ Callers on the far-end Strata DK can answer Tie lines calls (not DID lines) from the Far End
Key/PBX in the hands free mode. You must program the near-end Strata DK as “Voice First”
in Program 10-1, LED 01, or the far-end caller must dial “1” to switch from ring to voice