System & Station
Program 17 – DID/Tie Line Options
3-54 Strata DK Programming 5/00
LED 08: ANI/DNIS Digit Format
Most DID/Tie lines with ANI/DNIS digit format include
✱ tone with digits (LED 08 On). One
exception, as of this writing, Sprint provides DNIS without ANI and does not include
✱ tone with
digits - in this case LED 08 should be turned Off.
Examples of this signal format are:
✱ANI digits✱DNIS digits✱ and ✱DNIS digits✱.
DID/Tie lines with normal digit format does not include
✱ tone with digits (LED 08 Off).
LED 07: ANI Receive Line Option
If a Tie or DID line should receive ANI information, LED 07 should be turned On for that line. If
the Tie/DID line receives ANI digits only (no DNIS digits) LED 06, 07, and 08 should be On and
LED 05 should be Off. See Program 71-1, address 199, 299, and 499 for Tie/DID ANI only call
routing assignments. If a line receives ANI and DNIS, LEDs 05, 07 and 08 must be On; LED 06
can be On or Off.
LED 06: Telephone LCD Display Option ANI or DNIS
Telephone LCDs can display ANI or DNIS information as a priority when Tie/DID lines or ISDN
channels receive both ANI and DNIS digits. This system-wide option determines if ANI or DNIS
information should display on telephone LCDs when Tie/DID lines provide both ANI and DNIS
information together on incoming calls.
It is not possible to display both ANI and DNIS information simultaneously on the same call but
the 3DJH button on the LCD telephone can be used to toggle between the ANI and DNIS
information when an ANI/DNIS line is ringing the telephone. After answering the call, it is not
possible to toggle the LCD display between ANI and DNIS
LED 05: DNIS Line/Non-DNIS Line
This option assigns Tie and/or DID lines to follow Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS)
Program assignments.
Turn LED 05 On for DNIS only or ANI with DNIS lines.
Turn LED 05 Off and LED 07 and 08 On for ANI only lines which should route per the last
address assignment in Program 71.
Important! Any Tie or DID line can be assigned to use the features of Program 71 and 72. If
normal Tie/DID lines are assigned Name Tags, External Routing, selective Day/
Day2/Night Routing: In Program 17, Turn LED 05 On and turn LED 06, 07 and 08
Off for those lines - then program the lines as required in Program 71 and 72. In this
case, Program *09 (DID) and Program 04 (Tie) do not apply to these lines.
LED 04: DID/Tie Second Dial Tone Option
If the second dial tone option is selected (LED 04 Off), callers calling in on the DK DID or Tie
lines will hear dial tone after accessing the DK Tie/DID lines. Second Dial tone will not be sent to
callers if this option is not selected (LED 04 On).
Important! Normally, Tie lines require a second dial tone (LED 04 Off) and DID lines should
not return a second dial tone (LED 04 On). The initialized data is set for DID lines
so this data must be changed when installing Tie lines if second dial tone is
LED 03/04 applies to REMU, PEMU, TDDU, RDDU and RDTU DIDs and Tie lines.