Toll Restriction
Program 40 – Station CO Line Access
Strata DK Programming 5/00 4-5
Toll Restriction
Program 40 Overview
This program is used to allow or deny each station and/or DISA to use CO lines on a line by line
basis. This applies to all analog and digital line types.
Any station can have access to as many lines as desired. Any station denied access (either to make
a call or to answer a call) to a line cannot seize it by dialing either an access or pickup code or by
using a CO line button. This also denies access via Least Cost Routing. Also, use this program to
divide lines for Tenant Service. Use Program 40 to deny CO line call pickup. If only outgoing
access is to be prevented but answering incoming calls should be allowed, use Program 41, not
Program 40 to deny CO line access.
Program 40 does not deny access to answer transferred calls. If the LED for a CO line is Off in this
program, access to the line on direct incoming or outgoing calls is denied.
Important! If the DISA port is denied, CO line access in Program 40, DISA callers cannot
access outgoing CO lines when calling in on DISA lines. Also, External Call
Forward will be blocked on the denied lines. (See DISA port legend.)
Tie Lines
If a Tie line is assigned to a line group in Program 16, then program port 900~916 to match the
appropriate Tie line group.