Toll Restriction
Program 47 – Toll Restriction Exception Office Codes Assigned by Area Codes (Tables 1~16)
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Program 47 Overview
This program defines exceptions to previously defined office code restrictions for up to 16 area
codes, allowing six-digit Toll Restriction. Office codes entered in Tables 01~16 are opposite of
what is defined for the area code by Program 46-2~4. For instance, if Program 46 denies area code
714, entering office codes 530 and 555 into an exception table for area code 714 will allow 714 to
be dialed only with office codes 530 and 555. Conversely, if 714 is allowed in Program 46, then
714 + 530 or 714 + 555 will be restricted.
Each area code with exception office codes requires a table. Each table may hold up to 800
exception office codes.
Enter the area code and required office codes on the record sheet.
For International Call Restriction by country codes, enter 011 for the area code, and Restricted
country code(s) in the office table(s). To fully restrict a 2-digit country code, also Restrict the
imaginary third digit of that country code.
For example, to Restrict country code 81, you must Restrict 10 country codes 810 to 819.