CChhaarrggee tthhee bbaatttteerryy ppaacckk ffoorr aatt lleeaasstt 1155 hhoouurrss bbeeffoorree yyoouu ssttaarrtt uussiinngg yyoouurr pphhoonnee..
1 Press in on the battery cover release and slide the
cover down until it comes off.
2 Connect the battery pack connector with the correct
polarity (black and red wires), then insert the
battery pack into the battery compartment.
3 Securely close the battery compartment cover by
sliding it up until it snaps into place.
4 Place the handset on the base as shown.
5 Make sure that the
LED lights. If the LED doesn´t
light, check to see that the AC adapter is plugged in
and that the handset makes good contact with the base
charging contacts.
Use only the Uniden Battery (BT-905) supplied
with your phone. Replacement batteries are also
available through the Uniden Parts Department.
(see page 5)
Preparing the Battery Pack
4, 5
status LED
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