Using Caller ID on Call Waiting Service
““CCaalllleerr IIDD““ aanndd ““CCaallll wwaaiittiinngg““ aarree sseeppaarraattee sseerrvviicceess.. CCIIDDCCWW ((CCaalllleerr IIDD oonn
CCaallll WWaaiittiinngg)) ppeerrffoorrmmss tthhee ssaammee aass rreegguullaarr CCaalllleerr IIDD oonn aa ccaallll wwaaiittiinngg nnuummbbeerr..
YYoouu mmuusstt ssuubbssccrriibbee ttoo tthhee ““CCaalllleerr IIDD oonn ccaallll wwaaiittiinngg ((CCIIDDCCWW)) sseerrvviicceess““ bbeeffoorree
yyoouu ccaann uussee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ffeeaattuurreess.. TThhee ““CCaallll wwaaiittiinngg““ sseerrvviiccee ccaann aallssoo bbee
uusseedd iinnddeeppeennddeennttllyy.. PPlleeaassee ccoonnttaacctt yyoouurr llooccaall tteelleepphhoonnee ccoommppaannyy ffoorr ddeettaaiillss..
1 When a new incoming call is received
during your current telephone call, the
phone number and the name of the caller
are displayed.
2 Press .
You will be able to talk with the
second caller. The first caller will be put
on hold.
3 To return to the first caller,
press again.
When CIDCW is set to Opt in the Caller ID setup menu (see page 27),
you can press the key after receiving a call waiting call and
view a list of ways to handle the new call. Choose an option using the
and keys and press to activate.
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