BASICS[ 14 ]
Receiving a Call
FFrroomm tthhee hhaannddsseett
1 The phone rings. “ Incoming call“
appears on the display.
2 Press . “
Talk“ and volume setting
appear on the display.
3 Talk with the caller.
4 To hang up, press or place the
handset on the base.
The call time will be displayed for about
5 seconds.
AAuuttooTTaallkk wwhheenn rriinnggiinngg
When the AutoTalk setting is on and there is an incoming call, simply lift the
handset from the base unit to answer the phone. See “Setting Caller ID
options“ on page 26 for more details.
AAnnyy kkeeyy aannsswweerr wwhheenn rriinnggiinngg
When the AutoTalk setting is on and the handset is off the base, press any
handset key to answer the incoming call.
CCaallll WWaaiittiinngg
NNoottee:: YYoouu mmuusstt ssuubbssccrriibbee ttoo CCaallll WWaaiittiinngg sseerrvviiccee ttoo uussee tthhiiss ffeeaattuurree..
When a call is received during a telephone call already in progress, press
to switch to the new call. If you also subscribe to Call Waiting on Caller ID,
you will see the name and number of the caller in call waiting. (See page 34.)
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