Making Calls with Memory Dialing
MMeemmoorryy ddiiaalliinngg ffrroomm ssttaannddbbyy
1 Press .
The handset displays your programmed
memory locations.
2 Press and or enter a two-digit
number (01 - 20) to select the memory
location you would like to dial.
3 Press . “
Talk“ and the volume
setting appear on the display.
Then the displayed number is dialed.
DDiissppllaayy aa PPrrooggrraammmmeedd NNuummbbeerr
Use and to toggle between the
names display and the numbers display.
Program name Program number
When the stored phone number
has 14 or more digits, “\ “ is
displayed next to the 12th digit.
Press to see the extra digits
and to return.
• If you press
, you can confirm
the name and number
stored in the selected
memory location.
To exit this mode,
press and hold .
The handset returns
to standby.
• To exit the memory
function without
dialing, press .
The handset returns
to standby.
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