SSttoorriinngg CCaalllleerr IIDD mmeessssaaggeess iinn MMeemmoorryy ddiiaalliinngg
The phone number of the party on the Caller ID list can be stored in
memory dialing.
1 Press .
Select the phone number to be stored from
the Caller ID list by pressing or .
2 Press .
3 Press and or enter a two-digit
number (01 - 20) to select the
memory location.
4 Press .
A confirmation tone will sound.
The number is stored in memory, and
the display returns to the Caller ID list.
LLoonngg DDiissttaannccee ccaallll aanndd AArreeaa CCooddee sseettttiinngg
When you need to store Long Distance call prefix “1“ and area code, edit the
number at step 1. Press for Long Distance call and for area code setting.
If a message has already been stored in the selected
memory number location, a confirmation screen is
displayed. Press to select “
Yes“. Press
to overwrite. The display returns to the Caller ID list.
• You can not store a
Caller ID message if no
phone number appears
in the message.
• If there is an incoming
call or page, memory
storage is canceled and
the telephone is set to
receive the incoming
call or page.
TRU346 8/9/00 12:37 Page 33