Chapter 1: Introduction
Microscan MS-3 Laser Scanner Device Driver User Guide
VWorks or
If you have purchased a device driver plug-in and are installing it
yourself, check with the Velocity11 Technical Support to be sure your
version of VWorks or BenchWorks software and the device driver plug-in
are using the same version of IWorks software.
Device driver plug-ins used with BenchWorks software may not include
some newer features that were specifically added for use with VWorks
software and that are described in this manual.
Related topics
About devices
About this topic This topic presents a definition of a Velocity11 device and the device
Read this topic if you are unfamiliar with Velocity11 devices and VWorks
or BenchWorks software.
Device defined A device is an item on your lab automation system that has an entry in
the device manager. A device can be a robot, an instrument, or a
location on the lab automation system that can hold a piece of labware.
Examples of devices:
❑ Vel o ci ty 11 ro bo t
❑ Human robot
❑ PlateLoc Thermal Plate Sealer
❑ Labcyte Echo550
❑ Platepad
❑ VPrep shelf
❑ Waste
Device file defined The data entered into the device manager and saved as a device file
contains the configuration information for your devices.
For information about... See...
Who this guide is for “Who should read this guide” on page 2
User documentation “About Velocity11 user guides” on
page 3
Device driver plug-ins “About device drivers” on page 7