Chapter 2: Microscan MS-3 Laser Scanner
Microscan MS-3 Laser Scanner Device Driver User Guide
Operating the Microscan MS-3 Laser with
About this topic This topic describes how to:
❑ Initialize the Microscan MS-3 Laser
❑ Scan a barcode
Read this topic if you are an operator who wants to troubleshoot or
operate the Microscan MS-3 Laser using direct commands.
Before you start Before you can send commands to the Microscan MS-3 Laser, or receive
status information from the Microscan MS-3 Laser, you need to initialize
To initialize the Microscan MS-3 Laser:
1. Open
Microscan Bar Code Reader Diagnostics.
2. Click the
Profiles tab.
3. Select a profile from the Profile name list.
4. Click Initialize this profile.
Scanning a barcode To scan a barcode:
1. Open
Microscan Bar Code Reader Diagnostics.
Click the
Controls tab.
2. Place the labware on the device that has the Microscan MS-3 Laser.