Chapter 2: Microscan MS-3 Laser Scanner
Microscan MS-3 Laser Scanner Device Driver User Guide
This task is available in the protocol editor.
Setting the
Microscan MS-3
Laser task
To set the Scan bar code task parameters:
1. Add the Scan bar code
task to the protocol process.
2. In the Protocol Task Parameters toolbar, click the Task Settings tab.
3. Select the Microscan MS-3 Laser you want to use from the left side
and click
The device name moves to the right.
4. In the “Scan bar code” properties area, set the location of the
barcode to be scanned by selecting North, South, East, or West from
the Side to scan list.
Related topics
For more information about... See...
The workflow for configuring the
Microscan MS-3 Laser
“Workflow for configuring the
Microscan MS-3 Laser” on page 28
Creating protocols, pre-protocols,
post-protocols, and pipette
❑ VWorks Version 3 Automation
Control User Guide
❑ BenchWorks Automation Control
User Guide
Opening Microscan MS-3 Laser
device properties page
“Setting the properties for a device” on
page 16
Creating a Microscan MS-3 Laser
“Creating a Microscan MS-3 Laser
profile” on page 29
Managing Microscan MS-3 Laser
“Managing Microscan MS-3 Laser
profiles” on page 33
Using Microscan MS-3 Laser
“Operating the Microscan MS-3 Laser
with diagnostics” on page 32