
Chapter 1: Introduction
Microscan MS-3 Laser Scanner Device Driver User Guide
For more information about using JavaScript, refer to the VWorks Version
3 Automation Control User Guide or the BenchWorks Automation Control
User Guide.
Related topics
About reader output files
About this topic Plug-in device drivers that are written for plate readers have a common
way of naming their output files. This topic explains the concepts related
to output file naming. By reading this topic, you will learn how to
prevent data in the reader output files from being overwritten by newer
Read this topic if you are an operator who wants to make changes to the
task parameters for one of these readers:
Analyst GT
Te ca n rea de r s
Plug-in default
output file
When you first install a reader device driver plug-in, all data recorded
during a protocol or by a manual read using diagnostics software is
written to a single file stored in the C: drive.
For information about... See...
Using JavaScript in protocols
VWorks Version 3 Automation
Control User Guide
BenchWorks Automation Control
User Guide
Adding tasks to protocols
VWorks Version 3 Automation
Control User Guide
BenchWorks Automation Control
User Guide