
X6004 User’s Guide
types 245
administrator account
change password 245
administrator accounts 245
add 247
edit 248
rank 247
administrator list 246
aggregating multiple X6004 207
alternative subnet mask notation 289
analog phones
status 224
Analog Telephone Adapter (ATA) 34
analog telephones 37
Apache License 307
associating groups 196
ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter) 34
audio files
for auto-attendant 177
recording 177
audio files format 177
audio on hold 202
authority group 191
and LCR 54, 61
management 191
authority groups 37
and call access code 159
and call routing 39
and extensions 37
and LCRs 192
and ring groups 192
auto callback 203
auto configuration 46
auto provisioning 46
and MAC address 47
and serial number 47
client configuration 48
auto-attendant 38, 51, 58, 175
adding, deleting 180
advanced example 176
and FAX 175
and fax machine 38
and FXO trunk 166
and night service 183
and SIP trunks 170
audio files 177
call routing 175
diagram 175
management 179
menus 176, 180
recording instructions 177
structure 175
automatic switchboard operator 175
backup configuration 253
basic setup tutorial 41
blacklist 267, 271
blocking 267
call access code 159
adding and editing 160
configuration 160
Call Detail Record, see CDR 239
call features 62, 197
call forward 267
call parking 204
configuration 205
overview 204
call record 242
call routing terms 37
call services 197
auto callback 203
call parking 204
conference call 199
distinctive ring 202
emergency call 198
music on hold 202
overview 197
calling emergency numbers 198
between extensions 39
conference 199
to ITSP 37
to PSTN 37