
X6004 User’s Guide
aged files 239
and MySQL 239
backup results 241
local database 239
management 240
overview 239
report screen 244
types of files 239
viewing results 242
CDR (Call Detail Record) 239
certifications 317
notices 318
viewing 318
changing privilege level 247
and SIP trunk 169
and trusted peers 173
conference call
and DSP usage 199
configuration 200
overview 199
conference room 199
configuration backup 253
configuration file 253
configuration text file 46
configuration, saving 82
configure SIP extensions 42
connecting IP telephones 45
connecting to ITSP 55
connecting to PSTN 49
contact information 321
copyright 317
create authority group, tutorial 42
current status 249
customer support 321
debug admin 245
default IP addresses 284
and auto provisioning 46
diagnostics 249
collecting information 249
network traffic information 249
packet capture 250
status check 249
dial condition 38
dial condition, example 53, 60
dialing rules 59
configuration 170
mapping rules 171
partial match 171
DID (Direct Inward Dialing) 170
DiffServ 107
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) 35
dimensions 283
Direct Inward Dialing, see DID 170
disclaimer 317
distinctive ring 202
setup 203
DND 268
white list 269
DSCP 107
and conference call 199
modules supported 283
DSP (Digital Signal Processing) 35
dynamic DNS 87
wildcard 88
www.dyndns.org 87
emergency call
configuration 198
overview 198
expansion slots supported 283
Expat License 303
extensions 33, 37, 39, 42
and pickup groups 155
and web portal 265
configuring length 160
for analog phones 37
FXS 37
SIP 37
external lines 163
failover 207
standby mode 208
FAX 175
fax machine 38
FCC interference statement 317
feature codes 62
example 62
voicemail 63
feature codes, tutorial 62