AMC 68VZ328 Frozen Dessert Maker User Manual

/(home directory)/dimmpci/source (rw)
Of course you will need to add the home directory. This will allow anyone read and write access
to that portion of the file system. This is acceptable if on a private network, but highly undesir-
able if the computer is on the internet. See the man pages for the exports file if the NFS share
needs to be secure.
After adding that line to the exports file a restart is necessary for the NFS server process, if it
was running in the first place, to load the changes made to the file.
For the next step, the IP address of the computer must be known. If it’s not known, in a console
window type ifconfig and a screen similar to this will appear:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:BA:48:3E:D6
inet addr: Bcast:
RX packets:11509 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:2342 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
Interrupt:12 Base address:0x9400
In this case the IP address would be Next mount the NFS share on the dimmPCI
file system. Depending on whether the dimmPCI CPU module is using DHCP or a statically
assigned IP address the following command will be placed in one of two configuration files. If a
static IP is being used, edit the ‘/opt/fs/romdisk/etc/rc’ file. Conversely if DHCP is being used,
this command will have to be placed in the ‘/opt/fs/romdisk/etc/’ file. For a static IP
add the following toward the end of the file, right before the ‘exit 0’ line. For a DHCP system add
this line to the end of the dhcp command file.
/bin/mount -t nfs /mnt
Of course the IP address will be different than the one in this example. Following the IP address
put the same path as is in the ‘/opt/fs/romdisk/etc/exports’ file. Once finished a new image file
may be created and programmed onto the dimmPCI
CPU module.
After rebooting the CPU module, there will be access to the files on the PC from the dimmPCI
development board in the ‘/mnt’ directory. Now code can be recompiled on the PC and the
binaries will be instantly available on the development board.