Below you will find a table listing examples of how the dough hook and the whisk
assembly are to be used for various typical applications.
Attachment Ingredients Speed Time Max.
Twin beating Egg whites (2) 4 2 min. 20 eggs
whisks (approx.) (approx.)
Whipping cream 3 2 min. 6 cups
Sponge cake (any recipe)
Combine all ingredients 1 3x basic
Whip 4 1/2 min. recipe
(6 layers)
Fold in flour mixture M 4–6 min.
Mix 4 3 min
Basic cake batter
Combine all ingredients 1 1/2 min. 3x basic
Mix 4 3 min. (6 layers)
Twin beating Cookie dough
whisks/dough Cream soft butter or shortening 1 1/2 min. 3x basic
hook and sugar using twin recipe
beating whisks (9 dozen
Combine flour alternately with 4 3 min. cookies)
liquid using dough hook (approx.)
Stir in nuts, chocolate chips, 2 or 3
etc. using dough hook
Note: To avoid possible damage to
whisks NEVER use whisks
to stir in such items.
Dough hook Yeast dough
Combine all wet ingredients 1 1/2 min. 3x basic
Add flour in portions 1 or 2 5 min. recipe
(approx.) (10, 1 lb.
Table 1. Examples of operation using whisk assembly and dough hook. Speed 1 should
be used for initial stirring and combining. Place all ingredients into the mixing bowl, liquids
first. Shortening must be soft (room temperature).