Bunn JDF-4S Coffeemaker User Manual

A troubleshooting guide is provided to suggest probable causes and remedies for the most likely problems
encountered. If the problem remains after exhausting the troubleshooting steps, contact the Bunn-O-Matic
Technical Service Department.
• Inspection,testing,andrepairofelectricalequipmentshouldbeperformedonlybyqualiedserviceperson-
• Allelectroniccomponentshavehighvoltageacandlowvoltagedcpotentialontheirterminals.Shortingof
terminals or the application of external voltages may result in board failure.
• Intermittentoperationofelectroniccircuitboardsisunlikely.Boardfailurewillnormallybepermanent.If
an intermittent condition is encountered, the cause will likely be a switch contact or a loose connection at a
terminal or crimp.
• Solenoidremovalrequiresinterruptingthewatersupplytothevalve.Damagemayresultifsolenoidsare
energized for more than ten minutes without a supply of water.
• Theuseoftwowrenchesisrecommendedwheneverplumbingttingsaretightenedorloosened.Thiswill
help to avoid twists and kinks in the tubing.
• Makecertainthatallplumbingconnectionsaresealedandelectricalconnectionstightandisolated.
• Thisunitisheatedatalltimes.Keepawayfromcombustibles.
WARNING – • Exerciseextremecautionwhenservicingelectricalequipment.
• Unplugthedispenserwhenservicing,exceptwhenelectricaltestsarespecied.
• Followrecommendedserviceprocedures
• Replaceallprotectiveshieldsorsafetynotices
Cold Water Circulation
Dispense stations not working.
Note: Cooling failure or excessive
cabinet temperatures for more than 4
hours will result in dispense lockout
or no dispense.
Note: Reset fault/timer by unplug-
ging unit.
1. Cabinet cooling fan.
2. Bath recirculation pump.
3. Restricted water flow to cabinet
water coil and bath.
Replace fan (24vdc).
Note: Fan receives power when the
dispenser is powered.
A) If not running, check refrigeration
switch and wiring for proper conti-
B) Check for 120V or 230V AC at
pump. Replace pump.
Check for kinked hose.
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