Makes twelve 3-ounce cakes
Approximate preparation time: 10 minutes plus
20 minutes cooking time
Look through crabmeat to make sure there are no shells;
reserve in refrigerator. Preheat oven to 400°F. Coat a
baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray.
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. With the
machine running, drop the garlic through the small feed
tube to chop. Add the pepper, green onions and parsley
and pulse to coarsely chop, about 10 to 12 pulses.
Put the oil into a large skillet placed over medium heat.
Cook chopped vegetables with salt and pepper until
soft, about 5 to 7 minutes. Remove and reserve in a
large mixing bowl.
Once vegetables have cooled slightly, add the crab,
eggs, breadcrumbs, mayonnaise, Worcestershire, Old
Bay, Dijon and a dash or two of hot sauce if using to the
mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly but carefully, so not to
break up the crab too much. Form mixture into 2-inch
round cakes.
Place on prepared baking sheet and bake until
crabcakes are evenly golden, about 15 to 20 minutes.
TIP: Substitute cooked fish fillet for the crab to make
tasty fish cakes.
Nutritional information per serving (2 crab cakes):
Calories 123 (33% from fat)
carb. 11g
pro. 11g
fat 5g
sat. fat 2g
chol. 77mg
sod. 912mg
calc. 54mg
fiber 1g
nonstick co okin G spra y
16 ounc es l u m p crab meat
1 Garlic clove
1 r ed b e ll p e pp e r, about
7 ounc es, cut into
2-inch p i ec e s
3 G re e n onion s, cut into
1-inch p i ec e s
½ cup pa r s l ey
1 teaspoo n ex tra virGin
oliv e oi l
¼ teas poo n kos her salt
¼ teaspoon f r es h l y Ground
p e p pe r
2 larGe eGGs, l iG htl y b e at e n
1 c up basic fresh
breadcr umbs (paGe 5)
cup m ayonnaise
1 teaspoo n wo rc e s t e rs h i r e
sau ce
1½ teas poo ns ol d bay
2 teaspoo ns dij on-s t y l e
mus tard
hot sauce , o pti ona l
A delicious treat that is easy to make for any occasion.