3 med i u m -larGe r i pe bananas,
eac h brok en into 4 pi e c e s
2 c ups s t ra w be r ri e s, hu ll ed
and quarter ed
1 pint b l ue b e r r ie s
1 poun d f r o z en m an G o
2 c ups oranGe p e a ch m an G o
jui ce or or anG e juic e
Makes ten 1-cup servings
Approximate preparation time: 5 minutes
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Put the bananas,
strawberries, blueberries and frozen mango, in that
order, into the work bowl.
Pulse the fruit to chop using 10 long pulses.
Process until smooth, about 30 seconds.
With the unit running, pour the juice through the
small feed tube until well blended, about an additional
45 seconds.
Serve immediately.
Nutritional information per cup:
Calories 118 (3% from fat)
carb. 29g
pro. 1g
fat 0g
sat. fat 0g
chol. 0mg
sod. 4mg
calc. 18mg
fiber 3g
A delicious smoothie full of anti-oxidants.
2 ban anas
2 med i u m p ea c h e s , cut into
1-inch cubes, abo ut 2 t o
2½ cup s
2 c ups p i n e a pp l e , cut i nto
1-inch cubes
3 c ups f r o z e n cube d m a n G o
3 c ups oranGe p e a ch ma n G o
jui ce
Makes ten 1-cup servings
Approximate preparation time: 5 minutes
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Put the bananas,
peaches, pineapple and frozen mango, in that order,
into the work bowl.
Pulse the fruit to chop using 10 long pulses.
Process until smooth, about 30 seconds.
With the unit running, pour the juice through the
small feed tube until well blended, about an additional
45 seconds.
Serve immediately.
Nutritional information per cup:
Calories 117 (2% from fat)
carb. 29g
pro. 1g
fat 0g
sat. fat 0g
chol. 0mg
sod. 5mg
calc. 18mg
fiber 2g
A taste of the tropics anytime.