Instructions for use
2. Completely dip the strip into a glass of water for one
3. Removethestripfromthewaterandshakeitslightly.
After about one minute 1, 2, 3 or 4 red squares form,
depending on the hardness of the water (4 red squares =
very hard water).
4. Access the programming menu.
5. Once obtained the result of the strip, keep the “hot water”
button pressed until the lights turn-on, as in
following table:
5. When the lights relative to the detected water hardness
turn-on, release the button.
6. Press button to turn the appliance o (stand-by).
Please note:
lower hardness level compared to that detected by the reactive
ON/OFF and stand-by
(stand-by) by pressing the button.
The appliance automatically turns o (stand-by) after 75
minutes of non-use: to change the non-use time, refer to
paragraph “Adjust stand-by”.
How to prepare espresso using ground coee
• Insertthelterforgroundcoee(D2orD3)inthelter-
holder(g.10).Usethelter if wanting to make
onecoeeorthelter if wanting to make 2
• To prepare one coee, ll the lter with one level
measuring spoon of ground coee, about 0.24 oz./7 gr
the lter with two less-than-level measuring spoons
a little at a time to prevent the ground coee from
For correct use, before llingthe lterwith ground coee
always make sure there is no residual coee from the previous
• Distributethegroundcoeeevenlyandpressitlightly
usingthecoee tamper(g.12).Pressingtheground
coee isvery important to obtaina goodespresso. If
excessively pressed, the coee will slowly leak and it will
be stronger. Whereas, if slightly pressed, the coee will
come out too quickly and will be light.
• Removeanyexcesscoeefromtherimofthelter-holder
and attach it to the machine: for correct attachment,
alignthelter-holderhandletosymbol OPEN(g.
until aligned to position CLOSE(g.14).
• Positionthecuporcupsunderthelter-holderspouts
coee, rinsing them with hot water.
• Ensurethelightsrelativetothecoeebuttonsareon,
press the coee buttons ( or ): the appliance
proceeds and interrupts automatically.
How to prepare espresso using pods
Please note:
use pods that comply with the ESE Standard: this will be
indicated on the packaging by the following mark.
The ESE Standard is a system accepted by
leading coee pod manufacturers and allows
espresso coee to be made simply and
without mess.
• Insertthelterforpodscoee(D4 )inthelter-
• Insertthepod,centeringitascloseaspossibleonthe
• Attach the lter-holder to the machine: for correct
the right, until aligned to position CLOSE(g.14).