Instructions for use
• Position the cup under the lter-holder spouts. It is
advised to heat the cup before making the coee, rinsing
it with hot water.
• Ensurethelightsrelativetothecoeebuttonsareon,
press the coee button : the appliance proceeds
and interrupts automatically.
Please note:
• While the machine is preparing the coee, it can be
stopped at any time by pressing the previously pressed
coee button.
Once delivery is completed, if you would like to to increase
the amount of coee inside the cup, keep the previously
pressed coee button pressed (within 3 seconds) of delivery.
• Turnthehandlefromrighttolefttoreleasethelter-
Scalding hazard!
To avoid sprays, never release the lter-holder while the
machine is delivering and wait a few seconds after delivery.
Program the amount of coee in the cup
The machine has been set by default to deliver standard
quantities, proceed as follows:
Place a cup under the coee spout.
2. Keep the button to be programmed ( or )
pressed. The machine starts delivering coee.
3. As soon as the wanted amount of coee in cup is reached,
release the button: delivery stops.
The machine is now re-programmed according to the new
Warmer cup (g. 32)
The warmer cup can be switched on by pushing the
ton: leave the cups on the appliance as long as they are warm.
This is useful to have warmer coee.
When the appliance turns to low power function or stand-by
switch it o. Pay attention not to touch it as it is hot.
How to prepare milk-based drinks
To avoid milk with poor froth or large bub bles, always clean the
lid of the milk and the hot water nozzle as described in the “cle-
aning the milk container” at page 13.
1. Removethelid(g.17);
2. Fill the milk container with sucient amount of milk, not
every notch on the side of the container corresponds to
100 ml of milk.
Please note!
• For a more dense and homogenous froth, It is
recommended to use skim milk at refrigerator temperature
(about 41° F / 5° C).
3. Makesurethemilkintaketubeiscorrectlyinsertedinthe
4. Place the lid on the milk container.
5. Remove the hot water spout from the nozzle by pushing
6. Attachbyinsertingthecontainertothenozzle(g.21).
7. Set-up the machine to make coee (see “how to prepare
espresso” pg. 10).
8. Place the cup for cappuccino or the glass for Latte
Macchiatounderthe coeespout andadjustthe milk
9. Vary the froth regulator depending on the amount of
froth wantedandtypeofmilkused(g.24).
To prepare the Cappuccino: press button .
To prepare the latte macchiato: press button .
9. After having delivered the frothed milk, the machine
automatically prepares the coee.
Please note!
• Forahottercappuccino,itisadvisedtopresstheCLEAN
button to heat the ducts of the milk frother device (see
successive paragraph).
• Topreparethe cappuccino orthe lattemacchiato,the
appliance performs 2 deliveries: rst the milk and
delivery in progress, press the previously pressed button.
• Oncedeliveryis completed,if wantingtoincreasethe
amount of milk or coee inside the cup, keep the button
(within a few seconds) relative to the preparation in
progress pressed.
• Donotleavethemilkcontaineroutoftherefrigeratorfor
too long: the higher the milk temperature (41° F / 5°C is
ideal), the poorer the quality of the froth.
Cleaning the milk frother device using the CLEAN button
After every use of the milk functions, perform cleaning to
eliminate the milk residues as follows:
1. Leavethemilkcontainerinsertedinthemachine(itisnot