Roasting chart
Rare : 50-60°C; Medium : 60-70°C; Well done : 70-80°C
Beef/ Beef boned 5
25-35 minutes per ½kg (1lb)
and 20-35 minutes over
Mutton/Lamb 5 25-35 minutes per ½kg (1lb)
and 25-35 minutes over
Pork/Veal/Ham 5 30-40 minutes per ½kg (1lb)
and 30-40 minutes over
Chicken 5 20-25 minutes per ½kg (1lb)
and 20 minutes over
Turkey/Goose 5 20-25 minutes per ½kg (1lb)
up to 3½kg (7lb) then 10
minutes per ½kg (1lb) over
3½kg (7lb)
Duck 5 25-35 minutes per ½kg (1lb)
and 25-30 minutes over
Pheasant 5 35-40 minutes per ½kg (1lb)
and 35-40 minutes over
Rabbit 5 20 minutes per ½kg (1lb)
and 20 minutes over
The roasting temperatures and times given in the chart should be adequate for
most joints, but slight adjustments may be required to allow for personal
requirements and the shape and texture of the meat. However, lower
temperatures and longer cooking times are recommended for less tender cuts or
larger joints.
Wrap joints in foil if preferred, for extra browning uncover for the last 20 – 30
min. cooking time.