Controls at a Glance
Oven Temperature Adjustment Option Clock Controlled Oven
Ifyouthinktheovenshouldbehotterorcooler, youcanadjust Cooking Beep Options
it yourself. Todecide how much to change thethermostat, set
the oven temperature 25°F higher or lower thanthe tempera- • Option 1 (default option): Four beeps at the end of
ture inyour recipe, then bake. The results of the "test" should cooking, then, one beep every 30 seconds for the next five
give you an idea of how much to adjust the thermostat, minutes or until the Stop/Clear pad is pressed.
To adjust the thermostat: • Option 2: Four beeps at the end of cooking, then, one
beep every minute for the next 12hours or until the Stop/
1. Press the Bake pad. Clear pad is pressed.
2. Enter 550° by pressing the number pads "5, 5, 0". • Option 3: Four beeps at the end of cooking, then, no
3. Press and hold the Bake pad for several seconds until 0° other beeps.
appears in the display.
4. Press any number pad to change the temperature. Each Setting Clock Controlled Oven Cooking Beeps
time a pad is pressed, the temperature changes by 5°F. 1. Press Cook Time and Stop/Clear pads at the same time
I_ Press repeatedly to reach +35°F. Continue pressing to and hold for three seconds.
reduce the temperature up to -35°E • A single beep will sound.
• Display will show the indicator word COOK and the
5. When you have made the adjustment, press the Stop/Clear
current option.
pad and the time of day will reappear in the display. The
oven will now bake at the adjusted temperature. 2. Press the appropriate number pad (1, 2, or 3) to select the
It is not necessary to readjust the oven temperature if there is option you wish. The current time of day will reappear in
the display after four seconds.
a power interruption. This adjustment will not affect broil or
clean temperatures.
Automatic Oven Turn Off Option
Timer Beep Options The oven will automatically turn off after 12 hours, if you
• Optionl: Onelongbeepattheendofthetimeroperation, accidentaIIyleave it on. You can deactivate this feature, if
then, one short beep every 30 seconds for the next five desired.
minutes or until the Stop/Clear pad is pressed. To Eliminate 12 Hour Turn Off
• Option 2: One long beep at the end of the timer opera- 1. Press the Clock pad and hold for three seconds or until
tion, then, one short beep every minute for the next 12 "12"appearsinthedisplay. TheindicatorwordTIMEwill
hours or until the Stop/Clear pad is pressed, flash in the display.
• Option 3 (defualt option): One beep at the end of the 2. Press any number pad until 8888 appears in the display.
timer operation, then, no other beeps. Current time of day will reappear in the display after four
Setting the Timer Beeps
To restore: Press the Clock pad andhold for three seconds
1. PresstheTimerandStop/Clearpadsatthesametimeand oruntil8888appears.Press"l"numberpad. "12" will appeal
hold for three seconds, briefly in the display followed by the current time of day.
• A single beep will sound.
• Display will show the indicator word TIMER
and the current option.
2. Press the appropriate number pad (1, 2, or 3) to select the
option you wish. The current time of day will reappear in
the display after four seconds.