Testing Procedures
To avoid risk of electrical shock, personal injury or death; disconnect power and gas to range before servicing,
unless testing requires power and/or gas.
© 2006 Maytag Services 16026923 23
Description of Fault Codes for EOC III
Each fault code consists of 4 digits and is structured as follows:
(Leftmost) Digit:
Primary Failure System
Digit: Alpha-Character 3
Digit: Secondary
Failure Mechanism
Digit : Oven
Cavity Number
1 – Local to Control System d – Diagnostic Failure (measurable)
1 – Upper (Single) Oven
3 – Sensor or Meat Probe c – Control-Related Error (not measurable)
2 – Lower Oven
4 – Input to Control System
c – Control System
9 – Door Lock
If a fault is detected, then one of the following three messages will be scrolled on the display:
FAULT DETECTED PRESS ENTER TO TRY AGAIN. This message displays when a fault is detected while a
cooking function is active. Clear by pressing the Cancel keypad.
FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE. This message displays when a fault is detected while entering data during initial
programming and also when a locked out function is detected. Clear by pressing any key.
FAULT DETECTED DISABLE POWER TO CLEAR. This message displays when a runaway temperature condition
is detected while the control is in idle mode. Press any key to clear the message, but the fault remains until the
control senses a Power-On reset.
Description Component to Troubleshoot/Replace
1c1c Shorted key.
Ensure ribbon cable is securely connected, inspect ribbon cable and
connector (shorts, breakage, corrosion, etc.). If OK, replace control.
1c2c Membrane keyboard disconnected.
Ensure ribbon cable is securely connected, inspect ribbon cable and
connector (shorts, breakage, corrosion, etc.). If OK, replace control.
1c4c Board – to – Board communication failure. Replace control.
1c6c EEPROM hardware fault. Replace control.
1c7c Control not calibrated. Replace control.
1c8c EEPROM CRC error – User Options. Replace control.
1c81 EEPROM CRC error – Cook Profile. Replace control.
1d11 Unlocked runaway temperature – 600°
Ohm sensor and harness (see "Oven Sensor" chart). If OK, change
1d21 Locked runaway temperature – 950°
Ohm sensor and harness (see "Oven Sensor" chart). If OK, change
3d11 Temperature sensor open.
Check connections, sensor (see "Oven Sensor" chart) and harness. If
OK, replace control.
3d21 Temperature sensor shorted.
Check connections, sensor (see "Oven Sensor" chart) and harness. If
OK, replace control.
3d41 Meat probe shorted.
Check probe jack and harness. If OK, check meat probe (see "Meat
Probe" chart).
3d51 Meat probe not calibrated.
Check probe jack and harness. If OK, check meat probe (see "Meat
Probe" chart).
4d11 Door switch not closed when locked. Check connections, switch, harness, and motor. If OK, replace control.
4d21 No cooling fan rotation. Check cooling fan motor and harness. If OK, replace control.
4d31 Cooling fan on when de-energized. Check cooling fan motor and harness. If OK, replace control.
4d41 Cooling fan overspeed. Check cooling fan motor and harness. If OK, replace control.
4d51 Door switch circuit fault. Check connections, harness, and motor. If OK, replace control.
9d11 Latch will not lock. Check wire connections. If OK, replace motorized door lock.
9d21 Latch will not unlock. Check wire connections. If OK, replace motorized door lock.
9d31 Latch both locked and unlocked. Check wire connections. If OK, replace motorized door lock.