Certainsoundsmayaccompanythevariouscycles of the ice maker. Examples are: (1)
themotormayhavea slighthum, (2)thecubeswillrattleastheyfall intoanemptystorage
bin, and (3) the water valve may click or "buzz" occasionally. All of these sounds are
normal and should be ignored.
Note: Whendispensingicecubes, it is importantthat you use only theicesuppliedby
thisicemaker, fcefrom anyothersourcecouldcause anicejam. ifthishappens, remove
and discard all ice from the storage bin and any ice lodged in the ice chute.
Yourautomatic ice maker islocated near thetop of // SENSOR
the freezer compartment behind the Ice Access ARM
Panel. To gain access to the ice making mecha- _-,,..-- / _.'_ o_F
nism, liftthe Ice Access Panel.
The ice makerhas a wire sensor arm that is con-
nected to a shut-off switch, This arm stops the
mechanism when the ice cube storage bin is ruff,
andrestarts itafter severalicecubes havebeen used. You can usethe stoparmto stop
allproduction oficeat anytime, Allyou needto do israisethe armintothe OFFposition.
The ice maker should be turned off (arm up) when:
1. Icestorage bin is to be removed for extended period of time.
2. Refrigeratoris notto be usedfor a considerabletime, suchasvacations. Also,turn
off the water supply to the ice maker in this instance, if practical.
3, Water supply isto be shut-offfor several hours.
Water fillstheemptycube mold(Fig, 1) whenthe TU,_e
freezer compartment has cooledto freezing tem-
perature. Coldair isforced directlyoverthe mold,
Whenfrozen, the cubes are rotatedup and out of . ._. tCE
the mold (Fig.2). The sweeper arm ejects them ]F[_.2:i " "" I-.,_----_
into the ice storage bin below.
Thesensor arm(Fig.3) senseswhenthe binisfull
and signals the ice maker to stop ejecting more FJ8.
However,themoldhasbeenrefilledand cubes
As soon as ice is removed from the bin, the
sensor arm signalsthat more is needed. The
and-waiting frozen cubes.