It isrecommendedthat you disconnect the powercord before cleaning.
Your refrigerator can be roiled out for cleaning. Turn the levelers,at eachfront comer
ofthe cabinet,counterclockwise until they turnfree}y. Then pullthe cabinet straight
out. Note: ]f you have an AutomaticIce Maker instal}ed,we recommendthat you turn
off the water supplybefore movingthe cabinet.
After cleaning behindyourrefrigerator, pushitback andturn the levelersclockwise until
they touch the floor and lock the cabinetin place.
Use mild soapand water, DO NOT usescouringpowders, automobilewax,or furniture
polish. Rinse withclear water.
Door gaskets may be cleaned with soap and water, a baking soda solution, or mild
scouring powder.
Clean bothcompartmentsand innerdoor panelswithmild soapandwater. Do not use
an abrasive powder, solvent, polish cleaner or undiluted detergent.
When cleaning a glass cantilever shelf, you can remove it and submerge the entire
assemblyinwarmwater. Neverusehotwater.Always allowglassto warm uptoroom
temperature before immersing in warm water.