Jenn-Air JRSD2490 Refrigerator User Manual

TheSealedCdspersare idea}for stodngvegetablesandfruit. Keepyourcrisperstightly
closedtoinsurefreshness.Storingleafyvegetables, suchascelery and lettuceinplastic
bags, reduces moisture evaporation,
The crispers slide out for easy access to foods stored within. They are comp(etely
removablefor cleaning (hand wash only) or for use elsewhere in your kitchen.
The topcdspercover alsoserves asa refdgerator storage shelf, To removethecrisper
cover for cleaning, lift the front edge and pull straightout.
The humiditycontrol leveris locatedonthe shelfabovethe crisperdrawers. The slide
control should generally be setat the "Low" setting for fruits and the "High" settingfor
To use yourwine rackfit italong I_
shelf,engageits rearnotchtothe
shelf back corner. Laythe wine
bottle on the rack.