Moyer Diebel 301HT M2 Dishwasher User Manual

Operation Procedures
1. Checkthatthesprayarms,overowtubeandscrapscreensareinplace.
2. Close the door. Press the POWERswitch.Thetankwillbegintollwithwater.
This procedure is only needed when the tank is empty.
3. When the tank is full, check the wash tank temperature gauge. Minimum wash temperature
is 150°F/66°C.
4. Scrapandpreushallitemstobewashed,loaditemsintorack.Washonlyonelayerof
silverware in a rack at a time.
Note: DO NOT OVERLOAD the rack.
5. Open the door and insert the rack of wares into the machine.
6. Close the door. Press the START switch and hold for 1 second, then release. This will start
the wash cycle. The light illuminates.
Note: The machine may be stopped at any time during the cycle by opening the door. Closing
the door resumes the cycle where it was stopped.