Operation Procedures
1. Checkthatthesprayarms,overowtubeandscrapscreensareinplace.
2. Close the door. Press the POWERswitch.Thetankwillbegintollwithwater.
This procedure is only needed when the tank is empty.
3. When the tank is full, check the wash tank temperature gauge. Minimum wash temperature
is 150°F/66°C.
4. Scrapandpreushallitemstobewashed,loaditemsintorack.Washonlyonelayerof
silverware in a rack at a time.
Note: DO NOT OVERLOAD the rack.
5. Open the door and insert the rack of wares into the machine.
6. Close the door. Press the START switch and hold for 1 second, then release. This will start
the wash cycle. The light illuminates.
Note: The machine may be stopped at any time during the cycle by opening the door. Closing
the door resumes the cycle where it was stopped.