Lifebreath CAF-02-MB Ventilation Hood User Manual

HRV - Aluminum Core
A Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) is designed to provide
fresh air into a building while exhausting an equal amount
of stale air. During the winter months, the incoming cold
fresh air is warmed by utilizing the heat recovered from the
stale air before it is exhausted to the outdoors. During sum-
mer months when the indoor space is air conditioned, the
Heat Recovery Ventilator will help in cooling the incoming
fresh air with the stale air that is being exhausted.
ERV - Enthalpic Paper Core
An Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) is designed to pro-
vide fresh air into a building while exhausting an equal
amount of stale air. An ERV is designed for use in warm
humid areas with heavy air conditioning use. The ERV will
transfer both sensible and latent heat from the incoming
fresh air to the outgoing stale air thereby reducing the load
(due to ventilation) on the air conditioning system.
The Recovery Core
Stale Air
from Building
Stale Air
to Outsid
Outdoor Air
Fresh Air
to Building
The ERV - Enthalpic Core is not suitable for
climates where the outdoor temperature
drops below -4°C (25°F).