Note: If you use 20cl glasses, you can pour approx. 30 glasses of beer from
one keg. If you use 33cl glasses, you can pour approx. 18 glasses.
The freshness indication tells you how long the beer is still fresh.
- When you place a new keg in the appliance, the freshness
indication shows that the beer in the keg stays fresh for 30 days. The
indication counts down from 30 to 0 days.
- Once the keg has been opened, the beer stays fresh for 30 days if the
keg is stored in the appliance
Make sure the appliance is switched on all the time.
- When 30 days have passed, the display shows that the keg needs to be
replaced. A dash and an exclamation mark appear on the display.
- If you want to switch off the appliance for a longer period (e.g. a
holiday), store the opened keg in the fridge. Disconnect the tap unit,
rinse the top of the keg, rinse the tube and store the tube with the keg
in the fridge.
Always write down the date and the number of days that the beer inside
the keg is still fresh on the keg (see number of days on the display).
- When you reinstall the opened keg, you can set the freshness indicator
to the correct number of days with the – and + buttons.
Tip: To calculate the correct number of days: compare the date with the one
you have written on the keg and subtract the number of days the keg lay in
the fridge from the number you wrote on the keg when you stored it.
Besides the beer level and temperature, the display gives the following
- Green dash with no level indication visible = the tap unit is not present
on the keg.
- Red dash with no level indication visible = no keg is installed.
- Red or green dash with ashing yellow-orange background light = the
tap unit and/or tube are not properly placed. Remove the keg and
check if the tap unit and the tube are properly placed. See chapter
‘Preparing for use’, sections ‘Placing the tap unit onto the keg’ and
‘Placing the tube into the tap unit’. If this does not help, try another keg
with a new tube.
- Red indicator light ashes = the tap unit and/or tube are not properly
Follow the instructions below to pour a perfect beer.
Always use clean beer glasses when you tap beer.
1 Clean the glasses carefully in hot water with some washing-up liquid.
2 Rinse the glasses thoroughly with cold tap water.
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