Model 390 Important: To the Operator
Section 5 Important: To the Operator
Control Switch
The center position is “OFF” . The “WASH” position
activates the beater motor only. The “A UT O” position
allows the beater motor and compress or to run.
Indicator Light - “ Mix Low ”
Located on the fr ont of th e machine is a mix level
indicating light. When the light is flashing, it indic ates
that the mix hopper has a low supply of product and
should be refilled as soon as pos sible. Neglecting to
add mix when the light comes on will cause the
machine to sway and may eventually cause damage
to the beater assembly and freezer door.
Indicator Light - “ Mix O ut”
Also located on the front of the machine is a mix out
indicating light. When the light is flashing, it indic ates
that the hopper is empty and the mix supply needs
replenishing. To prevent damage to the unit,
refriger ation discontinues automatically when the mix
out indicator lights .
Optional Feature:
Remote Continuous Fill System
If your Model 390 Taylor Freez er has been factory
equipped with a Remote Continuous Fill System, the
mix supply to the freez er will be replenished
automat ically from mix tank s located in a remote
When the “Mix Out” i ndicator lights, th e mix supply in
the freezer hopper will be replenished automatically.
To start the unit after cleaning:
1. Place the power switch in the “Wash” pos ition.
2. Pres s the “Fill” button, locate d under the cont rol
channel, until the fr eezing cylinder is at least
half full.
Note: Do not remove the hopper cover while
the unit is filling with m ix, as some splashing
may occur.
3. Once the freezing cylinder is at least half full,
place the power switch in the “A uto” mode and
the hopper will be filled autom atically, and the
fill syst em will discontinue.
4. Place the mix feed tube into the mix inlet.
5. Raise the draw switch arm to initiate
refrigeration. When the refrigeration stops , the
product is ready to serv e.
Recommended Pressure: 12 - 15 PSI (83 - 103 kPa)
IMPORTANT: Do not exc eed 15 PSI or excessive
splashing will occur.