The Automatic MEALTIMER Clock is designed to turn the lower oven on and off
at times you set...even when you are not around.
To start and stop baking automatically:
Put the lower oven rack(s)
2. Make sure the clock is set
3. Push in and turn the Start
where you want them
to the right time of day.
Time Knob clockwise
and place the food in the
to the time you want bak-
ing to start.
4. Push in and turn the Stop
lime Knob clockwise
to the time you want the
oven to shut off
5. Set the Oven Selector on
Set the Oven Temperature
Control on the baking
temperature you want.
7. After baking is done, turn
To stop the oven before
both knobs to OFF.
the preset time, turn both
knobs to OFF.
To stop baking automatically:
Put the oven rack(s) where you want
4. Set the Oven Selector on TIMED.
them and place the food in the oven.
5. Set the Oven Temperature Control on the
2. Make sure the clock is set to the right time
baking temperature you Want.
of day.
After baking is done, turn both knobs to OFF.
3. Push in and turn the Stop fime Knob clock-
7. To stop the oven before the preset time,
wise to the time you want the oven to shut off. turn both knobs to OFF.
Use foods that will not go bad or spoil
a covered baking dish with about a half-
while waiting for cooking to start. Avoid cup (118 mL) of water for 1 to 1% hours.
using dishes with milk or eggs, cream
Any food that has to wait for cooking to
soups, cooked meats or fish, or any item
start should be very cold or frozen before
with baking powder or yeast.
it is put in the oven. MOST UNFROZEN
Smoked or frozen meatsmay be used; FOODS SHOULD NEVER STAND MORE THAN
so can vegetables, fruits and casserole- TWO HOURS BEFORE COOKING STARTS.
type foods. Vegetables can be cooked in