SuperStat Pro User Guide 19
Programming Heating and Cooling
Quick Guide Step Description Thermostat Display
Press until day
of week is
Press to select
the desired day
or group of
Press the DAY/PERIOD button until day of week is flashing
in the upper right corner. Use the arrow buttons to select
the day or group of days you want to program. You can
program the following:
MO TU WE TH FR (All weekdays) TH (Thursday)
SA SU (Weekends) FR (Friday)
MO (Monday) SA (Saturday)
TU (Tuesday) SU (Sunday)
WE (Wednesday) All Days
Day of week will flash:
Press until
period is
Press to select
desired period of
the day.
Press the DAY/PERIOD button again. MOR will begin to
flash in the upper left corner. Use the arrow buttons to
select the period of the day you want to program.
• MOR (Morning) – Time when you wake up.
• DAY – Time when you leave for work.
• EVE (Evening) – Time when you arrive home.
• NHT (Night) – Time when you go to bed.
Period of day will flash: