Troubleshooting Assistance Guide
46 SuperStat Pro User Guide
Equipment (continued)
STG 1 is indicated but the unit is not running.
• Verify that the breakers are not tripped for both the air handler and the outdoor
compressor. Reset the breakers. If power is being supplied to the equipment, and the
thermostat indicates the system is On (STG 1 icon displayed), call your heating and
cooling contractor.
• If outdoor AC breaker is tripped, reset it, and then if it trips again, call your heating
and cooling contractor.
The fan is On, but no cool air is coming out.
• Check that the system setting is set to COOL. Press the SYSTEM button until the
COOL icon is displayed.
• Verify that the breakers are not tripped to the outdoor compressor and that the outdoor
compressor and fan is operating. Reset the breakers. If power is being supplied to the
equipment and the thermostat, and the thermostat indicates the system is On (STG 1
shown), call your heating and cooling contractor.
• Verify that the thermostat is calling for cooling, and the outdoor compressor is
running. If cool air is still not being detected from the system, the refrigerant level
may be low. Call your heating and cooling contractor.