Troubleshooting Assistance Guide
40 SuperStat Pro User Guide
Thermostat current setpoint does not match the display temperature.
• The thermostat may be in recovery from a Critical Event period. Depending upon
thermal load of the system, it may take time for the temperature to reach the desired
• Under excessive temperature loads (high/low outdoor temperature) the
heating/cooling equipment may not be capable of maintaining the desired indoor
temperature setpoint. The Heating/Cooling system may need servicing or upgrade.
You may want to schedule a service call with a heating and cooling dealer for
inspection of proper refrigerant levels, airflow, etc.
• In some cases, when the thermostat is located on or around the indoor air handler
closet and the heater closet and the return air box is not sealed, the air handler will
draw outdoor or colder air down the wall cavity or through the thermostat. The wall
cavity, heater closet and return air box must be sealed.
• The heating or cooling may be in a temporary or permanent Hold. Press RUN to reset
the hold and go back to the programmed setpoint.