Model 480i Broadsoft Admin Guide
480i IP Phone Configuration
TFTP Server Settings
The 480i phone uses the TFTP to
download updates of the phone’s
Þrmware and conÞguration Þles.
You must set the TFTP server
address in the phone.
From the 480i Phone:
1. Press the £ button to
enter the Options List.
2. Select option 8. Network.
3. Enter the administrator’s
password. The default
password is 22222.
4. Select option 6. TFTP Server
to change the TFTP server.
From the Web Client:
1. Click on the Network sub-category
under the ADMIN main category.
2. Enter the administrator user
name and password (the default
user name is "admin" and
password is "22222").
3. In the TFTP Þeld, enter the IP
address of the TFTP server.
4. Click on the Set Values button
to save the changes that you
just made.
SIP settings
The 480i uses the information in
the SIP settings to register at the IP
PBX. To conÞgure the SIP settings:
From the 480i Phone:
1. Press the £button to enter
the Options List.
2. Select option 9. SIP Settings.
3. Enter the administrator’s
password. The default password
is 22222.
4. Select options 1-4 to change the
information about the registrar
and the proxy server.
5. Select option 5. User Name to
change the user name.
6. Select option 6. Screen Name to
change the screen name.
7. Select option 7. Auth. Name to
change the authorization name.
8. Select option 8. Password to
change the user’s password.
From the Web Client:
1. Click on the SIP Settings
sub-category under the ADMIN
main category.
2. Enter the administrator user
name and password (the default
user name is "admin" and
password is "22222").
3. In the web page that just
opened enter the appropriate
4. Click on the Set Values button
to save the changes that you
just made.