Model 480i Broadsoft Admin Guide 20
Setting Parameters through Configuration Files
Range Sequence of ascii characters. A width less
than 11 characters for line softkey type and a
width less than 9 for the speeddial softkey
type is suggested. N in the softkeyN label
ranges from 1 to 18
Example softkey1 label: "Line 9"
softkey2 label: "Info"
Parameter –
softkeyN value
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration
Þles only
Description If the soft key is of type, line then value
should be the line number that this
soft key represents. If the softkey is of type,
speeddial then value should be the number
to speed dial.
Format Text
Default Value Not Applicable
Range line or speeddial. N in the softkeyN value
ranges from 1 to 18
Example softkey1 value: 9
softkey2 value: 411