Model 480i Broadsoft Admin Guide 28
Appendix A: Sample Configuration Files
# Time Server Settings
# ====================
#time server disabled: 1 # Time server disabled.
#time server1: # Enable time server and enter at
#time server2: # least one time server IP address.
#time server3:
# Time Server Disabled:
# 0 = false, means the time server is not disabled.
# 1 = true, means the time server is disabled.
# Notes: If the time server is enabled you will need to enter the
# IP address of at least one time server. If the time server is
# disabled, the time can be set manually in the phone's Options
# List under option "2. Time and Date".
the 480i phones. The general format is similar to conÞguration Þles used
by several Unix-based programs. Any text following a number sign (#)
on a line is considered to be a comment, unless the # is contained within
double-quotes. Currently, Boolean Þelds use 0 for false and 1 for true.
# Line Settings
# =============
# Lines should be set in the <mac>.cfg Þle since these settings
# are unique to each phone. See the sample "<mac>.cfg" Þle for
# for more information.
# Softkey Settings
# ================
# Softkeys can be set either server wide or unique to each phone.
# Setting softkeys as line/call appearances should be done in the
# "<mac>.cfg" Þle, since these are unique to each phone.