Model 480i Broadsoft Admin Guide
This section describes solutions
to some most commonly occurring
Why does my phone display
"Application missing"?
If you have experienced
networking issues while the phone
was downloading the application
from the TFTP server, it is possible
that the phone can no longer
retrieve the required Þrmware Þle.
In the event that the phone is no
longer able to communicate with
the TFTP server in its attempt to
re-download the Þrmware and the
phone cannot locate the application
locally, this message will be
The phone will display the
following: "Recovery web-client at:
<IP Address>". The IP Address
displayed is the IP address of the
phone. If the phone is unable to
receive an IP from the DHCP server
or has lost its record of its static IP,
the phone will auto-assign itself
the default IP
To recover the Þrmware for your
phone in this circumstance, please
perform the following:
1. Launch your web browser on
your computer. Please note that
your computer will need to be
on the same network as your
IP phone.
2. In the URL, type: "http://<IP
Address>" (where IP Address is
the IP Address displayed on
the phone). Your browser will
launch the Aastra 480i IP Phone
Firmware Recovery page.
3. Enter the name of the Þrmware
Þle that is on the TFTP server
and ready for download.
E.g. "Þrmware.st".
4. Enter the IP of the TFTP server.
5. Press the Download Firmware
Please ensure that the TFTP server
is running and accessible on the
network. If the Þrmware Þle is
correctly located on the running
TFTP server, the phone will locate
the Þle and reload the application
onto the phone.
Why does my phone display the
"No Service" message?
The phone will display the "No
Service" message if the SIP settings
have not been set up correctly.
Check that the SIP settings are
correct in the phone. If using the
conÞguration Þles, this could be
a formatting or syntax error.
For example, when entering the
parameter "sip line1 user name:
5551231234", you cannot use
formatting symbols such as "-"
as in "555-123-1234" to format the
number or the phone will not
recognize it.
How to reset the 480i phone?
From the 480i phone:
1. Press the £ button to
enter the Options List.
2. Select option 10. Phone Status to
enter the Phone Status option.
3. Select option 3. Reset Phone.
4. Press the Reset softkey to
reset the phone.
5. Press the Cancel softkey to cancel
the current operation.
From the web client:
1. Click on the Reset sub-category
under the USER main category.
2. Enter the administrator level
user name and password when
3. On the web page that just
opened click on the Reset button
to reset the phone.