Model 480i Broadsoft Admin Guide 14
Setting Parameters through Configuration Files
SIP Settings:
The following parameters are the settings speciÞc to SIP authentication.
Parameter – sip proxy ip ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options
List, the Aastra 480i web client or through
the conÞguration Þles.
Description A SIP proxy is a server that makes and
forwards requests generated by the 480i to
the targeted user. This parameter’s IP
address will be the address of the proxy
server that the 480i will use to send all SIP
requests to.
Format IP address
Default Value
Range Not Applicable
Example sip proxy ip:
Parameter –
sip proxy port
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options
List, the Aastra 480i web client or through
the conÞguration Þles.
Description The proxy server's port number. This setting
must be set to zero "0" if using SRV queries
for your DNS server.
Format Integer
Default Value 0
Range Not Applicable
Example sip proxy port: 5060
Parameter –
sip registrar ip
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options
List, the Aastra 480i web client or through
the conÞguration Þles
Description A SIP registrar is a server that maintains the
location information of the 480i phone. This
parameter’s IP address will be the address of
the registrar that the 480i will use to send
REGISTER requests to.
Format IP address
Default Value
Range Not Applicable
Example sip registrar ip: